• Tailored med­ic­al check-ups on site in the company
  • In-depth, pro­fes­sion­al ana­lys­is of employ­ee health
  • One of the lead­ing pro­viders for cor­por­ate pre­ven­tion diagnostics

The whole person in focus — comprehensive
medical analysis of employee health 

The right offer for every company 

Our check-up mod­ules were developed in cooper­a­tion with the best pre­vent­ive medi­cine doc­tors in Ger­man-speak­ing coun­tries and are spe­cially designed to take a hol­ist­ic view of employ­ee health.

The aim of our check-up concept is to med­ic­ally ana­lyze all import­ant phys­ic­al func­tion­al areas, to check func­tion­al­ity and to identi­fy pos­sible health risks at an early stage. So we guar­an­tee one sus­tain­able pre­ven­tion based on effect­ive med­ic­al diagnostics.

Each check-up mod­ule focuses on examin­ing one of our five selec­ted func­tion­al sys­tems and includes tar­geted med­ic­al dia­gnostics using the most mod­ern meth­ods. All mod­ules can be tailored to the spe­cif­ic. The require­ments of your com­pany can be flex­ibly adapted.

Nationwide for you on site 

The check-ups are car­ried out by med­ic­al teams from our 23 cooper­at­ing health cen­ters nation­wide. The cooper­at­ing med­ic­al dir­ect­ors are among the lead­ing experts in pre­vent­ive medi­cine in Germany.

All health cen­ters are cer­ti­fied for qual­ity-assured dia­gnostics in accord­ance with the strict require­ments of the Ger­man Soci­ety for Sport and Pre­vent­ive Medi­cine (DGSP). With mod­ern dia­gnostics, all med­ic­al teams meet the highest stand­ards for com­pany health check-ups.

Our cooper­at­ing 23 health cen­ters are loc­ated in Ham­burg, Han­over, Ber­lin, Leipzig, Düs­sel­dorf, Leverkusen, Cologne, Frank­furt, Heidel­berg, Stut­tgart, Tübin­gen, Ravens­burg, Erlan­gen, Regens­burg und Munich.

Comprehensive prevention is our top priority! 


You can adapt the mod­ules or define fur­ther mod­ules with us indi­vidu­ally for your company.

100% billable 

All ser­vices are with the
bKV 100% billable.


Saves time — on site 

Your employ­ees save time because they receive high qual­ity med­ic­al ser­vices dir­ectly and in strict con­fid­ence at your location.


We see ourselves as a full-ser­vice pro­vider. We take over the entire organ­isa­tion, the logist­ics and man­age­ment of the check-ups.

Management Report 

You will receive a man­age­ment report on the sat­is­fac­tion of your employ­ees, on par­ti­cip­a­tion and an aggreg­ated, anonym­ized over­view of the state of health in your company.

Comprehensive Consultation 

All employ­ees are giv­en detailed advice on their res­ults, health meas­ures actions are pro­posed or at
any abnor­mal­it­ies are con­veyed dir­ectly to the nearest specialist.


Our mission:
First-class preventive medicine for all employees 

Fol­low­ing his doc­tor­ate in the USA in Car­di­ova­su­lar Engin­eer­ing, inspired by the light­house pro­ject “Med­ic­al Pre­ven­tion Camp” in Dal­las (USA) and his work at Deloitte as a man­age­ment con­sult­ant in the field of “Innov­at­ive Health­Care Pro­jects”, Dr. Glismann back to Germany.

His find­ing: Ger­many is char­ac­ter­ized by “repar­a­tions medi­cine” — and com­pre­hens­ive pre­vent­ive medi­cine has so far been the excep­tion. For this reas­on, with Cor­por­ate­Health, Dr. Glismann laid the found­a­tion for premi­um pre­ven­tion pro­grams in Ger­many and, togeth­er with part­ners, estab­lished the award-win­ning, lead­ing Cor­por­ate­Health check-up pro­gram for companies.

Based on the guid­ing val­ues: “Highest qual­ity”, “Innov­a­tion” and “Trust”, Dr. Glismann enabled a broad­er estab­lish­ment of access­ible pre­vent­ive med­ic­al excel­lence dia­gnostics in com­pany health care. CORPORATEHEALTH there­fore stands for first-class pre­vent­ive medi­cine for employees.

Dr. Cor­neli­us Glismann
CEO Cor­por­ate­Health


Companies that trust us 

Thomas Reiher 

Head of Group Human 
Resources Management

“With access to the top pre­ven­tion
cen­ters in Ger­many and the option to con­tin­ue to be treated dir­ectly at the top level in the event of a pos­sible find­ing Cor­por­ate­Health is one of our most import­ant part­ners in glob­al cor­por­ate health management. ”

Patric Traut 


“We have been work­ing suc­cess­fully and extens­ively with Cor­por­ate­Health since 2014. Our exec­ut­ives and man­agers are in the cooper­at­ing cen­ters in Stut­tgart and Tübin­gen and we reg­u­larly carry out in-house check-ups for our employ­ees with the com­pet­ent teams of Cor­por­ate­Health. ”

Frank Sportolari † 


“Cor­por­ate­Health is an ideal part­ner that does exactly what its name sug­gests. Our par­ti­cipants have repor­ted over­whelm­ingly that they were impressed by the com­pet­ence of the cooper­at­ing doc­tors and the pro­fes­sion­al­ism of the organization.”

At a glance


  • Spe­cial­ist in med­ic­al dia­gnostics for employ­ees
  • Med­ic­al teams from cer­ti­fied cen­ters of the DGSP
  • Rep­res­en­ted through­out Ger­many
  • All about cus­tom­er ser­vice and man­age­ment
  • Effi­cient digit­al dia­gnost­ic solutions



Do you have any ques­tions about our check-ups?

Or would you like an indi­vidu­al offer for your com­pany? Then con­tact us at +49 40 3691 4248

Corporate Health

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